Finding solutions through movement

Jackson 731-512-0302
Henderson 731-435-1501

Category Archives: Physical Therapy

  • April 20, 2021

    It’s Time To End Your Battle With Chronic Joint Pain

    If your joints have been bothering you for a few months, know that you’re not alone. Joint pain plagues an increasing number of aging, often arthritic Americans. As a matter of fact, a report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that in 2002, about 10.5...

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  • April 10, 2021

    Is Pain Keeping You From a Happy Life? Physical Therapy May Help!

    Take a moment to pause and think about who you were five or ten years ago. What kinds of activities did you thrive from doing? Were you a runner? An afternoon gym warrior? Or did you just enjoy going for long evening walks with your dog? Now, come back...

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  • March 20, 2021

    Need Help Ditching the Pain Meds? Physical Therapy Can Help!

    When it comes to living with chronic pain, you may think that you’re alone. The mental fatigue of having to deal with it can take a toll on your mind and body and can lead you to believe no one can understand. But millions of individuals live with chronic...

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  • December 10, 2019

    How to stay active when you have a desk job

    How much time do you spend in a chair or on a couch? Did you realize that sitting for 6-8 hours per day—or watching 3-4 hours of television—has been shown to increase the risk of chronic illness and early death? It’s stunning research, especially considering that the average American...

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  • April 17, 2017

    Physical Therapy Just as Effective for Spinal Stenosis as Surgery

    A new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine that followed 169 participants showed that physical therapy was just as effective for people suffering from spinal stenosis as surgery (1). In fact, the results point to what physical therapists have known for decades, people suffering with back pain...

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  • February 10, 2017

    Are Your Shoulders Giving You Headaches?

    Do you know that 47% of the adult population will have a headache at least once within a year according to the World Health Organization? 45 million Americans complain of headaches each year, 8 million visit their doctor, and 3 million went to the emergency room according to US...

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  • January 10, 2017

    Are Your Hips Killing Your Back?

    Are you like many people, with an aching back at the end of the day or worried about lifting an object due to your back going out? You are not alone, over 80% of the population will suffer back pain at one time or another in their life according...

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  • February 11, 2016

    How to put the spring back in your step

    Spring is just around the corner and that means a lot more outdoors time. However, if you suffer from knee pain, arthritis, low back pain or other aches and pains that keep you from being active, there are things you can easily do to become more active. Change How...

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  • January 13, 2016

    Feeling Stiff and Achy? How Physical Therapy Can Help…

    Our bodies are made to move and rely on a finely-tuned balance of proper posture, strength, coordination, chemical levels, blood pressure and more. When you don’t move on a consistent basis or experience changes to your health, you may start to feel stiff and achy, especially in the mornings....

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  • December 23, 2015

    How to achieve real relief from stress related headaches

    Life’s demands create stress and although some stress may be good, too much can cause health problems. Most people equate stress with high blood pressure, a heart attack or a stroke. But did you know headaches, dizziness, neck and shoulder pain can be stress-related too? Chronic headaches, usually accompanied...

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